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exome sequencing and Marlena S. Fejzo
Exome sequencing targets protein-coding regions (exons), aiding in identifying rare mutations linked to traits and diseases.
An article at Nature magazine: Scientists uncover new CRISPR genes, introducing a breakthrough in genetic engineering potential.
Data Analysis
In this course, You will learn about dimension reduction, factor analysis, scaling points, and mathematical distances.
A research by Prof. Li Wendong from CUHK business school reveals that linking specific genes to leadership is complex
Personalized Nanomedicines
At his lecture Prof. Avi Schroeder talks about Personalized-Nanomedicines, sRNA and RNAi technologies, and the elephants' cancer resistance, unraveling the genetic mechanisms behind it and its potential for inspiring human therapies.
Genomic Data Analysis
This session will enable students to get a comprehensive understanding to analyze and interpret data generated by modern genomics technology.
In this series of short videos, you will learn how next gen sequencing works and get tips on preparing and running your samples.
Genetic Variants
Each person's genome has about three million single nucleotide variations, as well as many other types of genetic variations. How do we predict the function of these genetic variations?
Prof. Howard Cedar, a researcher in the field of oncology, explains the importance of understanding the language of DNA, which can be annotated by a simple chemical called methylation.
Annonating the Genome
Prof. Howard Cedar of the Hebrew University explains about reading and annotation of the genome, and delves deeply into the epigenetic process of methylation - and how it affects DNA expression in the same individual differently over time.